Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Families Reading Together at the B.A. Kennedy Library...

We are proud to introduce a new program... Families Reading Together at B.A. Kennedy! There will be open library hours from 3:36-6:00pm every Tuesday begininng Feb. 17th through May 19th! This will be a great time to enjoy the library together. Parents are welcome to check-out books! Parents, watch for a copy of the flyer in your child's folder in the next few days! We are looking forward to Building Readers Together!


  1. Is this only for families with a child registered at B.A. Kennedy or can we bring our 3-year-old (who will attend this school for Kindergarten) to these open library events? Thank you!

  2. Sorry about the above comment. I just noticed it's an old blog from February 2015, NOT February 2016.
